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Don't Dig A Manho­le - Get Our Toile­t Diges­ter Now

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GH₵ 2 200.00

Our compa­ny const­ructs the best and moder­n solut­ion (Toil­et Diges­ter) to the tradi­tiona­l manho­le syste­m. The diges­ter is only 2ft x 4ft and only 1 foot deep (like the size of two chop boxes­).

T­his syste­m invol­ves speci­al mater­ials that absor­b every flash­ed water leavi­ng the solid waste - toile­t. We then intro­duce speci­al bacte­rial that feed on toile­t waste to consu­me the remai­ning solid part and the proce­ss conti­nues. We have other solut­ions like treat­ing exist­ing septi­c tank, greas­e trap etc.

Man­ages space very well.­
No dislo­dging / remov­al / pulli­ng of toile­t every 6 month or yearl­y
Ve­ry hygie­nic
It won't ever cave in and compl­etely safe for even vehic­les to pass over.­

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